The Determinants of the Value Orientation of Personality in the Communicative Space of the Art of Music

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Natalia Yu. Kireyeva


The contemporary social and cultural situation, equipped with significant achievements in the sphere of highly
developed technologies and cultural values, provides human beings with great opportunities for a full-fledged
harmonious existence. However, this social well-being presents merely the outer shell, under which lies hidden the
deep spiritual crisis of human society. This is connected, first of all, with the overall immersion into the intellectual
sphere of activity and people’s rejection of their intuitive inner element, which results in a loss of oneself. In
such conditions the human being becomes passive and closed, losing interest and the abilities for perception of
musical compositions. Nonetheless, it is the art of music which presents a means for disclosing the human being’s
spiritual potential which elevates him or her above the world of practical aims. The outer determinants are the
main references for motivation in the acquisition of aesthetical experience. For carrying out research this issue the
author suggests making use of the communicative-axiological approach adapted by her to this issue. This makes
it possible to determine the human being’s value landmarks in his or her creative communicative activities, which
are formed as the result of development of certain skills in a person. The article presents characterizations of four
types of personality which have various correlation of development of the intellectual and intuitive principles:
personality with a strong manifestation of intuition and a corresponding development of intellect; personality with a
strong manifestation of intuition and an insufficient development of intellect; personality with a strongly developed
intellect, but with a “run-down,” closed intuition; personality with undeveloped intellect and closed intuition. The
present research in light of the formation of a new anthropology of the New Worldview opens up broad possibilities
for improvement of interaction between participants of the communicative system of “art vs. society.”

Keywords: art, communicative-axiological approach, value landmarks, development of personality, communication,

Article Details

How to Cite
Kireyeva, N. Y. (2016). The Determinants of the Value Orientation of Personality in the Communicative Space of the Art of Music. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 44–49.
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Natalia Yu. Kireyeva, Saratovskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. L. V. Sobinova / Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory

PhD (Arts),
Senior Faculty Member at the Department of History
and Theory of Performing Art and Musical Pedagogy


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