Nationalism in Music – Playing with References

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Vera I. Nilova


Nationalism presents one of the favorite concepts in present-day musicology in English-speaking countries. It
appeared in Europe in the 18th century as a political movement and during the course of the following two centuries
has been extrapolated into the sphere of music as a research instrumentarium for performers for the study of musical
works by composers from Eastern and Northern European countries. This led to an artificial type of classification of
the European musical works from the 19th and 20th centuries with the simultaneous endowment of the very concept
of “nationalism” with negative connotations. This type of reflection resulted in a loss of the connection of musical
theoretical thought with real processes of music history in Europe, which is what caused the situation of “the other
Europe” (according to Milan Kundera). In order to overcome the existing cognitive dissonance and sense of futility
of the further current usage of the customary terminology, it would be helpful to develop a critical perspective of
the accumulated research experience from countries outside of Russia, which has not been fully grasped by Russian
musicology. As an alternative to the concept of nationalism, the concept of national identity is proposed, which
has been broadly used in the international academic space for research of the phenomena of classical and folk
music. In Russia this is provided by the methodologically heuristic foundation in the form of the regular laws in
the evolution of national artistic traditions developed by Mikhail Druskin, directed at their preservation and at the
same time aspiring towards passing beyond their confines. The present concept is also relevant for the study of 20th
century music, since it features strong tendencies towards approach of composers to pre-Baroque stylistic periods
and archaic strata of folk music.

Keywords: nationalism, national identity, methodology of musicology, cognitive dissonance, process of music
history, evolution of national artistic traditions.

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How to Cite
Nilova, V. I. (2016). Nationalism in Music – Playing with References. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 36–43.
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Vera I. Nilova, Petrozavodskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. A. K. Glazunova / Petrоzavodsk State A. K. Glazunov Conservatory

Dr. Sci. (Arts), Professor,
Head of the Music History Department


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