“Tre Liriche Greche” by Bruno Maderna: Concerning the Issue of Development of the Serial-Dodecaphonic Method in Italian Music in the late 1940s

Main Article Content

Alexander S. Ryzhinsky


The article pursues the goal of partially illing up the blank
spaces in the study of the legacy of one of the most outstanding
composers from the mid-20th century, a representative of the
Darmstadt School, Bruno Maderna (1920–1973). The focus
of attention is geared on Maderna’s irst achievement in the
sphere of serial technique – the cycle “Tre Liriche Greche”
[“Three Greek Poems”], examined in the context of the main
tendencies of development of Italian classical music of the late
1940s. This period is marked by a special interest on the part of
young composers in the musical legacy of the Second Viennese
School, most notably, the serial-dodecaphonic method of Arnold
Schoenberg. The decisive role of disseminating the dodecaphonic
technique in Italy belongs to Bruno Maderna, along with Luigi
Dallapicolla. The author of the article comes to the conclusion,
based on his detailed study of the music score, of the original way
of interpreting Schoenberg’s method in Maderna’s composition,
which explains in many ways the evolution of serial writing in the
music of the leading serialist composer of Italy in the second half
of the 20th century, Luigi Nono.

Keywords: dodecaphony, Second Viennese School,
Darmstadt School, Klangfarbenmelodie, Bruno Maderna, Luigi
Dallapiccola, Luigi Nono

Article Details

How to Cite
Ryzhinsky, A. S. (2015). “Tre Liriche Greche” by Bruno Maderna: Concerning the Issue of Development of the Serial-Dodecaphonic Method in Italian Music in the late 1940s. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 103–107. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2015.1.18.103-107
Technique of Composition of the 20th Century
Author Biography

Alexander S. Ryzhinsky, Russian Gnesins’ Academy of Music

Candidate of Arts, Associate Professor of the Choral Conducting Department


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