Rosa Newmarch, the British Promoter of the Music of Sibelius

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Vera I. Nilova


Rosa Newmarch (1857–1940) was a most interesting personality endowed with numerous talents – namely, musical, literary, linguistic, those of a lecturer and organizer, as well as the talent of human communication. In Russia she is known as a connoisseur and promoter in Britain of Russian music. Newmarch was a generally acknowledged Russophile, but she also was a Fennophile. From the early 1900s and up to the last years of her life Newmarch tirelessly promoted in Britain the music of Sibelius in her reviews, articles, lectures and books. She prized Sibelius’ originality of thought and asserted that Sibelius’ music is less derivative than the musical thought of many compositions by his contemporaries. Sibelius was for Newmarch a representative of a historically founded culture, which preserved the “old-fashioned” attitude to the musical theme. Stemming from verbal inspirations, Sibelius’ musical themes, according to Newmarch, differed favorably from the “misborn ideas” of modernist compositions.

The author presents a brief overview of the English-language sources, which characterize Newmarch’s diverse activities and legacy, containing biographical data, hitherto not published in Russia. Special attention is reserved for Sibelius’ trips to Britain and Newmarch’s trips to England. Stress is made on Newmarch’s interest in everything Finnish and in her high evaluation of the personality of Sibelius the composer. Sibelius highly valued Newmarch as a listener capable of immersing herself profoundly into the style of his music. It is shown on the example of the way they addressed each other in their correspondence how their relations changed from official to friendly. Throughout the years, the high evaluation of Sibelius’ music on the part of Newmarch did not change.

Keywords: Jean Sibelius, Rosa Newmarch, Finnish music, musical culture of England

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How to Cite
Nilova, V. I. (2015). Rosa Newmarch, the British Promoter of the Music of Sibelius. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 124–131.
History of Western Music
Author Biography

Vera I. Nilova, Petrozavodskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. A. K. Glazunova / Petrozavodsk State A. K. Glazunov Conservatory

Dr. Sci. (Arts), Professor,
Head of the Music History Department


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