Various Verses and Psalms. Manuscript of the Collection of the M.N. Tikhomirov State Public Academic-Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Main Article Content

Boris A. Shindin


The author analyzes church singers’ manuscripts from the
collection of Tikhomirov (Tikhomirov No. 448), preserved in
the Academic Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences. Founded in the 1921 at the Vyg Hermitage
– a cultural center of the Old Believers’ priestless tradition, it
contains verses and psalms, popular in this milieu, notated in the
system of znamenny chant notation. The chants can be subdivided
into several groups of subjects. Some of them describe the events
of the Old and New Testaments, whereas others form a group of
penitent poems. Three of them narrate about the victory of Peter
the Great over the Swedes. Of special interest are the chants
dedicated to teachers and mentors of the hermitage, primarily,
Andrei Denisov.
One of the traits of the Vyg culture is connected with the
development of Baroque prosody. The combination of syllabic
verse and neumatic writing creates a stylistic synthesis in which
the old and the new do not reject, but complement each other.
This circumstance is what forms the topical ield of the article.
The semantic content and stylistic image of the chants make it
possible to examine them in the context of the culture of the
second half of the 17th and irst half of the 18th centuries, the time
period that witnesses an integration of the elements of traditional
culture with the culture of the Early Modern Age. The analyzed
landmark conirms the conception most commonly accepted in
Russian humanitarian scholarship, namely, that of succession
and continuity between the old and new periods of national

Keywords: chants, salms, syllabic verse, znamenny chant,
culture of the Old-Believers, Vyg Hermitage

Article Details

How to Cite
Shindin, B. A. (2015). Various Verses and Psalms. Manuscript of the Collection of the M.N. Tikhomirov State Public Academic-Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 74–79.
Sacred Music
Author Biography

Boris A. Shindin, Novosibirsk State M. I. Glinka Conservatory

Doctor of Arts, Professor, Head at the Music History Department


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