Piotr Tchaikovsky’s Translation of François-Auguste Goevart’s “Traité général d’instrumentation” in the Context of Its Time

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Elena E. Polotskaya


The object of research in this article is Piotr Tchaikovsky’s translation from French into Russian of François-Auguste Goevart’s “Traité général d’instrumentation.” This work was published by the P. Jurgenson Press under the title of “Guidebook for Orchestration” in 1866. The translation is presented as a product of its age and, at the same time, as a monument to the musical theoretical thought of the second half of the 19th century. The author of the article examines such peculiarities of translation as the unification of the scholarly and journalistic stylistics in the text in Russian, the translator’s involvement in the original text in the form of verbal commentaries and additional music examples (fragments of musical compositions by Mikhail Glinka), the combination of translation with criticism of a set of the author’s position. Such admissions are analyzed with the consideration of: 1) the influence of journalism on scholarly translation, typical for 19th century; 2) the characteristic approach to translation as social and educational activities; 3) the possibilities of utterance by the translation of his own views on the subject, not always concurrent with the positions of the author of the translated text. A perspective of the approach towards the translation of Tchaikovsky is suggested as a form of artistic mediation between cultures.

Keywords: Piotr Tchaikovsky, François-Auguste Goevart, orchestration, translations of music theory works in the 19th century, dialogue of cultures

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How to Cite
Polotskaya, E. E. (2015). Piotr Tchaikovsky’s Translation of François-Auguste Goevart’s “Traité général d’instrumentation” in the Context of Its Time. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 128–136. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2015.3.128-136
Сultural Heritage in Historical Perspective
Author Biography

Elena E. Polotskaya, Ural’skaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya (akademiya) im. M. P. Musorgskogo / Ural State M.P. Mussorgsky Conservatory (Academy)

Dr. Sci. (Arts),
Professor of the Music Theory Department


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