The Embodiment of the Panegyric Subject in the Music of the “Victory Celebrations” during the Era of Tsar Peter I (The “Vivat Suite”)

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Vera N. Dyomina


The article is devoted to the various forms of ecclesiastic and secular musical culture in Russia at a turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. The author defines the principles of interaction of these two branches of culture in the music of the “victory celebrations,” examining them on the basis of examples of the Buslayev manuscript collection of 17th century choral hymns – particularly those pertaining to the genre of the “Vivat Suite.” The author pursues the goal of finding solutions to problems of analysis and comparison of ecclesiastical and secular texts, as well as identification of the principles of association of choral hymns, “Vivat” hymns, “hosannas” and “mnogoletiya” (expressions of wishes of long life) in choral composition.

Keywords: suite, “victory celebrations”, ecclesiastical choral hymns, manuscript landmarks

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How to Cite
Dyomina, V. N. (2013). The Embodiment of the Panegyric Subject in the Music of the “Victory Celebrations” during the Era of Tsar Peter I (The “Vivat Suite”). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 249–254. Retrieved from
Russian Music History
Author Biography

Vera N. Dyomina, Rostov State S.V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Candidate of Arts, Senior Faculty Member
of the Department of Musical Management


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