The Formation of the Basic Principles of Luigi Nono’s Choral Writing in the Compositions of the Early 1950s

Main Article Content

Alexander S. Ryzhinsky


The article is devoted to the analysis of the early choral compositions
by Luigi Nono – an outstanding representative of the Italian avantgarde
music. In his study of the originality of texture and timbre in
the composer’s works, the author draws a number of conclusions
about the specificity of his early choral style. The most important
of these is the conclusion that the sources of the innovations of
Nono’s vocal music are present in his very first choral works. Then
they are realized in the late vocal-instrumental and choral works by
the composer. From 1951 to 1954 the composer wrote a number
of works that contained “in a compressed form” information
about the subsequent paths of development of his choral writing.
Special attention is given to the discovery of numerical laws in the
serial structure of the choral piece “Liebeslied” dedicated to Nuria
Schoenberg, the daughter of the inventor of the serial method,
Arnold Schoenberg (who was Nono’s wife from 1955).

Keywords: choral texture, serial method, engaged music,
Sprechgesang, Klangfarbenmelodie, Luigi Nono, Anton Webern,
Arnold Schoenberg

Article Details

How to Cite
Ryzhinsky, A. S. (2014). The Formation of the Basic Principles of Luigi Nono’s Choral Writing in the Compositions of the Early 1950s. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 85–90. Retrieved from
Choral Music
Author Biography

Alexander S. Ryzhinsky, Russian Gnesins’ Academy of Music

Candidate of Arts,
Associate Professor of the Choral Conducting Department


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