Distributed Performance: Principles, Space, Communication

Main Article Content

Alexei V. Krasnoskulov


Contemporary research examining interactive musical acts of
creativity with the use of the computer internet is devoted to a
considerable degree to the technical and social aspects of internet
music, whereas the scale of communicative means connected with
this phenomenon are frequently not given its due attention, for the
reason that the domain of the internet is usually regarded as a
“mediator.” The article offers a viewpoint on this existent problem
that is in many ways contrary to the prevalent one; it brings out
to the forefront three interconnected spheres: interactivity, virtual
space and performance communication. Examination of these
spheres, both as separate elements and in combination, made it
possible to formulate the conception of distributed performance,
describing the entire specter of “distanced” artistic projects in the
art of music. the present approach is perceived as a particularly
relevant one, since the two indispensable constituent parts of
interactive music – virtual musical space and performance
communication – have not received their due coverage in
musicological works up to now. In the present work musical space
is examined from the position of virtualistics, which makes it
possible to characterize all the features of virtual reality present in
it. The communicational principles are analyzed from the points
of view of the work of art, the process of performance and the
peculiarities of distanced interaction.

Keywords: interactive music, distributed performance,
internet musical performance, virtual space, musical communication

Article Details

How to Cite
Krasnoskulov, A. V. (2015). Distributed Performance: Principles, Space, Communication. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 28–32. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2015.1.18.028-032
Music in the System of Mass Communications
Author Biography

Alexei V. Krasnoskulov, Rostov State S. V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Candidate of Arts, Head at the Department of Musical Sound Recording and Informational Technologies, Professor at the Piano Major Department


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