About My Meetings With Evgeny Gippius

Main Article Content

Tatiana S. Rudichenko


This article, written on the basis of memoirs of the artistic and
friendly relations with Evgeny Vladimirovich Gippius, recreates
the image of the outstanding authoritative scholar of folk music.
It cites many significant facts of his biography: his aristocratic
ancestry, his pertaining to the clan of poets and literati of the Silver
Age (Alexander Blok, Vladimir Gippius, Zinnaida Gippius,
Dmitri Merezhkovsky), an all-round education (at the Tenishev
College, the Institute of History of the Arts, the Leningrad
Conservatory, the Petrograd University, post-graduate studies in
musicology with Boris Asafiev). The upbringing and education
received by him conditioned the high standards of behavior and
demands made on the researchers of folk music. The criteria of
evaluation of personal potentials for him were: the possession of
an intonational ear – the ability to remember involuntarily and to
reproduce the written down musical material, a broad education,
knowledge of sources of the themes (made by predecessors), as
well as knowledge of foreign languages. The role of Evgeny
Gippius in the development of Russian musicology in the second
half of the 20th century is examined not only from the position
of his personal contribution to scholarship as a researcher,
how developed a whole set of new methods, but also from the
position of him being an organizer of a scholarly discipline and
a creator of a school of research. The latter was realized as an
immense network of representatives, who shared his principles
of approach to folk music in the capital of Russia (the “Gnesins’
school”), in the various Russian regions and in the countries of
the “near abroad.” The musicologist possessed a broadness of
academic interests, not only in terms of the issues of research,
but also in the sphere of ethnic cultures.

Keywords: Evgeny Gippius, the Silver Age, ethnomusicology

Article Details

How to Cite
Rudichenko, T. S. (2013). About My Meetings With Evgeny Gippius. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 79–82. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/121
Commemorating the Anniversary of Evgeny Gippius
Author Biography

Tatiana S. Rudichenko, The Rostov State S.V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Doctor of Arts,
Professor at the Music History Department


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