Performance-Related Solutions of the Graphic Structures of Haydn’s Clavier Sonatas

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Amina I. Asfandyarova


The article examines the intonational lexis of the pastoral in the fast movements of Haydn’s piano
sonatas. The greater part of the semantic figures is used in all the sections of the sonata expositions:
the cliché formulas which imitate the sounds of various musical instruments, the gallant style lexis,
as well as intonations of ornamental nature. However, while in the slow movements the semantic
figures present themselves in the conditions of correspondence of the direct meanings of the signs
to the artistic notion of the context (most frequently – the creation of the effect of a melancholy
contemplative pastoral), the conditions of fast tempi demonstrate a different, transforming impact of
the context on the substantive filling of the semantic structures. Haydn’s sonatas form new types of
the pastoral, in which the role of the main regulator in the mechanism of semantic transformations
is played by tempo. The author of the article demonstrates the dramatic pastoral in a set of Haydn’s
sonatas, where unlike the idyll of the “minuet” movements, the fast-paced tempo creates the effect
of dynamic action. The dramatic context is expressed, first of all, in the elaboration of storylinescenic
situations and the emotional reactions of the “dramatic protagonists.” The sensual nature of
the pastoral obtains a new angle, which in various different theatrical-dramatic actuations disclose
a multiplicity of semantic and emotional tints of pastoral lyricism.

Keywords: classical sonata, Joseph Haydn, the pastoral, intonational lexis, musical thematicism.

Article Details

How to Cite
Asfandyarova, A. I. (2019). Performance-Related Solutions of the Graphic Structures of Haydn’s Clavier Sonatas. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 73–81.
International Division
Author Biography

Amina I. Asfandyarova, Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Rector, Ph.D. (Arts), Professor, Head at the Piano Major
Department, Laboratory of Musical Semantics


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