Traits of the Portrait of Russian Pianist V.V. Timanova

Main Article Content

Ninel F. Garipova


The article is devoted to the famous pianist Vera Timanova,
a native of Ufa, whose extraordinary talent flourished in the
second half of the 19th century. In juxtaposing the disparate
materials – the modest encyclopedic data, the works of the
final years and the archival documents, the author undertakes
the attempt to examine the previously unidentified traits of
the musician’s personality, which brought her to the heights
of the art of piano performance. Letters of Franz Liszt, Karl
Tausig, Moritz Moszkowski and Sophie Menter addressed to
Timanova are quoted extensively. During the process of work
on the article it became possible to bring in certain corrections
into the pianist’s artistic biography, namely, the erroneously
indicated years of study with Liszt.

Keywords: piano performance, musical culture of Ufa,
musicians of Russia, Vera Timanova

Article Details

How to Cite
Garipova, N. F. (2014). Traits of the Portrait of Russian Pianist V.V. Timanova. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 72–76. Retrieved from
Russian Music History
Author Biography

Ninel F. Garipova, Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Doctor of Arts,
Professor at the Piano Department


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