The Style of Arioso Singing in Bashkir National Opera

Main Article Content

Gulnaz S. Galina


The article analyzes opera vocal forms based on the arioso style, the creation of which has
become the result of functioning of the genre of opera in Bashkir national culture. Indication
is made of its folk music roots – the musical particularities of the folk semi-plangent songs,
the halmak-kui, have been elaborated insufficiently concisely in national folk music studies.
Examination is made of the possible combinations of them with techniques of European opera,
which has led to the emergence of national melodicism of a new type. In the quality of the
intonational sources of the arioso style indication is made of the Russian art-song style, the opera
arioso style of the Russian classic composers, waltzes and plangent Bashkir themes utilized in
a rhythmically simplified way. Special attention is given to oriental arioso melodies written
under the influence of the first Turkic opera “Kyor-ogly” by Uzeir Gadzhibekov. As the result of
studying opera arioso melodies and arias by Russian composers, as well as representatives of the
national culture – Zagir Ismagilov, Khusain Akhmetov, Rauf Murtazin and Salavat Nizametdinov
– the conclusion is arrived at about the presence in them of a distinctive and original style of
arioso singing which develops both national and European musical traditions.
Keywords: Bashkir national opera, the arioso style, moderate songs – halmak-kui.

Article Details

How to Cite
Galina, G. S. (2019). The Style of Arioso Singing in Bashkir National Opera. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 44–52.
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Gulnaz S. Galina, Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Ph.D. (Philology), Associate Professor at the Ethnomusicology


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