About the Pitch Organization of the Znamenny Chant in the Aspect of Deciphering

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Irina V. Bakhmutova
Vladimir D. Gusev
Liubov A. Miroshnichenko
Tatiana N. Titkova


The issue of transcription of Early Russian Znamenny Chants into contemporary notation has a deciphering character
and remains relevant for notation not provided with aiding deciphering marks. The approach towards computer-based aid
of the process of deciphering is based by use of Dvoznamenny chant books of the late 17th and
early 18th centuries. The complexity of the deciphering is stipulated by the fact that the Znamenny signs may contain
a multitude interpretations of musical notation. The algorithms created by us make it possible to recreate correctly the
rhythmic structure of the chants for 95–98% of the signs (znameny) in various voices (glasy). However, the precision
of the reconstruction of the pitch constituent is much less – it is approximately 60–80%. This stipulates the necessity for
more detailed research of the pitch organization of the Znamenny chant. The work carries out a quantitative analysis of
the pitch-related transitions from one znamya (sign) to the next for all sorts of combinations of pairs of znamya (signs)
or bigrams presented in the musical texts of dvoznamenniks with preliminarily eliminated marks (pomety) of scalesteps
and indications (three Oktoechoses and Heirmologies). The obtained statistics of the acceptable intervals may be
used during the process of deciphering of the unmarked notation for the correction of the variants inconsistent with it.
Examples are brought of znamenny (sign) bigrams which demonstrate unexpected peculiarities of the Znamenny chant
practically unilluminated in musicology. Concurrently questions are touched upon illuminating the definition of the
concept of a “line,” the demonstration of bigram indicators of the structures of popevkas, peculiarities of the chants of
znameny (signs) repeating in a tandem manner, etc.
The work has been carried out with the support of the program of fundamental scholarly studies of the Siberian
Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. I.5.1., project No. 0314-2019-0015, as well as through the partial
financial assistance of the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Studies, project No. 16-07-00812.

Keywords: Znamenny chant, Dvoznamenniks, note-staff reconstruction, popevkas, bigrams.

Article Details

How to Cite
Bakhmutova, I. V., Gusev, V. D., Miroshnichenko, L. A., & Titkova, T. N. (2019). About the Pitch Organization of the Znamenny Chant in the Aspect of Deciphering. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 7–14. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2019.1.007-014
Horizonts of Musicology
Author Biographies

Irina V. Bakhmutova, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics

Research Associate

Vladimir D. Gusev, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics

Ph.D. (Technology), Senior Research Associate

Liubov A. Miroshnichenko, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics

Ph.D. (Technology), Senior Research Associate

Tatiana N. Titkova, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics

Ph.D. (Technology), Senior Engineer


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