Music as a Tool for Integral Formation in the University. A Proposal of Education in the Meeting

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Gemma Ruiz Varela
Fidel Rodríguez Legendre


INTRODUCTION. The most recent research carried out by psychology, pedagogy and philosophy has established that the contribution provided by musical training for an integral and harmonious development of the human being is of paramount importance due to the uniqueness and specific results it offers. The present work takes as an initial reference the poetics of musical structures for the sake of developing methodologies of training focused on the human being. The essence of this proposal underlies an authentic dialogue between different areas of knowledge and the structuring of strategies centered on the human being. OBJECTIVES. The main objective of this study is to propose from the position of a dialogical vision of university education the experience of a methodology centered on music as a means of provoking and arousing the dynamics of encounter, which provides the student with a comprehensive training experience. The secondary objective is to analyze the internal consistency and the validity of the construct “Music for Encounters” (ME), and the satisfaction of the students with implemented Methodology. METHOD. The activity is carried out in the manner typical of the university students for the Master’s Degree in Teaching at the Francisco de Vitoria University. The data are processed based on indicators of reliability, such as Alpha de Cronbach, as well as descriptive analysis, correlational analysis and exploratory factor analysis (AFE). RESULTS. The results show more satisfactory internal consistency indices (a general reliability of 0.886). The correlations between the factors of the instruments are significant and high. The AFE seems to indicate the presence of a single construct based on two correlated factors. The satisfaction of the students is very high (M = 5.6, SD = 0.6 out of 6). DISCUSSION. These results seem to show the adequate measurement of the ME construct in university students, based on the instrument of measurement developed for this purpose and their satisfaction with the methodology implemented.

Keywords: innovation, dialogical practices, teaching methodology, music, education.

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How to Cite
Ruiz Varela, G., & Rodríguez Legendre, F. (2018). Music as a Tool for Integral Formation in the University. A Proposal of Education in the Meeting. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 45–54.
Music Science and Modern Education
Author Biographies

Gemma Ruiz Varela, Francisco de Vitoria University

Ph.D. (Education and Humanities, Francisco de Vitoria University), Vice Dean
of Academic and Quality Management, Faculty of Education and Humanities, Lecturer at the Department
of Humanities

Fidel Rodríguez Legendre, Francisco de Vitoria University

Ph.D. (Communication Sciences and Sociology, Universidad Complutense
de Madrid), Ph.D. (History, Central University of Venezuela), Professor, Vice Dean of Academic and Quality
Management, Faculty of Education and Humanities


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