Early 20th Century Tatar Gramophone Recording: Ibragim Adamantov

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Idris M. Gaziev


In the beginning of the 20th century one of the frontiers of the cultural life of Russian society were the activities of
gramophone companies. The gramophone record, presenting itself as a new means for disseminating mass information,
reflects the Tatars’ urban musical culture. Up to the present day the early recordings of the first Tatar Up to the present
day the early recordings of the first Tatar performers have remained insufficiently studied. A number of revealed sources
have given the author the opportunity to bring for the first time into scholarly discourse the gramophone recordings
of Ibragim Adamantov – a popular performer of Tatar songs from the beginning of the previous century. Adamantov is
the stage pseudonym of the Tatar journalist, theatrical figure and translator Ibragim Kuli (1885–1936). The stigma of
the “enemy of the people” (he was rehabilitated in 1957) has for many years erased the traces of the artistic activities of
the brilliant representative of the progressive Tatar intelligentsia. Study of Adamantov’s gramophone records becomes
a part of the revival of the good name and artistic legacy of the singer whose voice was recorded by the “Gramophone”
company, the firms “Favorit-rekord” and “Lyrophone.” The artist’s repertoire includes specimens of Tatar solemn
lyrical specimens of Tatar extended lyrical songs and the cult music of Muslims urban songs and couplets. The
introduction of Adamantov’s gramophone recordings into the field of the field of research opens up new pages of the
history of gramophone recordings of Tatar music.

Keywords: Tatar music on gramophone recordings, gramophone record, “Gramophone,” “Zonofon,” “Lyrophone,”
Tatar song, performers of folk songs.

Article Details

How to Cite
Gaziev, I. M. (2018). Early 20th Century Tatar Gramophone Recording: Ibragim Adamantov. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 94–98. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2018.3.094-098
International Division
Author Biography

Idris M. Gaziev, Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Ph.D. (Arts), Professor at the Department of Vocal Art


1. Akhmetgalieva M. Toska navechno [Yearning Forever]. Kazan: Paritet, 2007. 72 p. In the Tatar language.
2. Ibragimov G. Izbrannoe. V 8 t. T. 5: Stat'i o literature i iskusstve, trudy (1910–1933) [Selected Writings. In 8 volumes. Volume 5: Articles on Literature and Art, Works (1910–1933)]. Kazan: The Tatar Book Publishing House, 1978. 616 p. In the Tatar language.
3. Ibragimova F. Tatarskie pisateli. Prosvetiteli (nachalo XX veka): biobibliograficheskiy slovar' [Tatar Writers. The Enlighteners (The Early 20th Century): A Bio-Bibliographical Dictionary]. Kazan: Alma-Lit, 2005. 276 p. In the Tatar language.
4. Kniga Pamyati zhertv politicheskikh repressiy. T. 7: Kl–Kya [The Book of Memory of the Victims of Political Repression. Volume 7: Kl–Kya]. Kazan: Kniga Pamyati, 2003. 472 p.
5. Tatarskiy teatr (1906–1926) [The Tatar Theater (1906–1926)]. 2nd edition, supplemented. Kazan: Prosveshchenie, 2003. 308 p. In the Tatar language.
6. The Gramophone Company Limited ZONOPHONE RECORDS. THE ORIENT CATALOGUE. Compiled and edited by Alan Kelly. March, 2000. CD-ROM.

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