Cornelius Cardew: at the Sources of British Minimalism

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Irina V. Koposova
Alexandra Yu. Alekseeva


The article is devoted to examination of elements of minimalism in the music of contemporary British composer Cornelius Cardew. The name of Cardew has been justly connected by researchers with the ideas of the experimentalism and indeterminism of the 1960s. They have appeared for the first time in the music of John Cage, who exerted a certain influence on the British composer. In Cardew’s compositions the discoveries of Cage find an original interpretation, revealing themselves in the usage of non-traditional sources of sound, the transferal towards graphic notation, inclusion of improvisation, means of musical theater into the space of the musical oeuvres and other. In addition, Cardew advocated the mass accessibility of the art of music, which resulted in the creation of the unique musical ensemble, the “Scratch orchestra.”
Cardew does not have any minimalist compositions in the strict sense of the word, although the music of this directions is undoubtedly familiar to him (this is confirmed by the solo concert programs and the repertoire of the “Scratch Orchestra”). The applications of separate techniques common to minimalism (repetitive canons, phased shifts) are contained in his great work “The Great Learning” (1968–1970). Discussion of two paragraphs from this composition makes it possible to determine the specific features of the interpretation of minimalistic means in Cardew’s compositions.
The analysis made in the article, as well as the general conclusions of the position held by the figure of the
composer in the history of contemporary British music make it possible to consider Cornelius Cardew the forerunner
of minimalism in Britain.

Keywords: Cornelius Cardew, contemporary British music, experimentalism, minimalism, graphical notation,

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How to Cite
Koposova, I. V., & Alekseeva, A. Y. (2018). Cornelius Cardew: at the Sources of British Minimalism. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 48–57.
Music of the 20th Century
Author Biographies

Irina V. Koposova, Petrozavodsk State A. K. Glazunov Conservatory

Ph.D. (Arts), Associate Professor at the Department of Music Theory and

Alexandra Yu. Alekseeva, Petrozavodsk State A. K. Glazunov Conservatory

Post-graduate Student, Senior Faculty Member at the Department of Music
Theory and Composition


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