The Bashkir Opera Studio affiliated with the Moscow Conservatory: Pages of History

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Gulshat A. Baymukhametova


The article is devoted to issues of realization of the program of the cultural buildup in the USSR during the 1930s, including the stepped-up preparation of national musical personnel. The focus of the author’s attention is on the Bashkir Opera Studio affiliated with the Moscow Conservatory. The basis of the article is built on archival material drawn from the fund of the Moscow Conservatory, preserved at the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, as well as from the arсhive of the Moscow State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory and the departmental funds of the National Archive of the Republic of Bashkortostan. A large number of documents is brought into scholarly circulation for the first time. In order to recreate the chronology of events from the lives of the members of the Opera Studio the author made use of previously unpublished memoirs of one graduate from the Opera Studio, Zaituna Ilbayeva. Such issues are examined as the enrollment of personnel, the orchestration of the tutorial process, creation of national repertoire, financing and everyday life. Description is given of the first year of the functioning of the Bashkir Opera Theater. Significant attention is given to the personality of Gaziz Almukhametov as the organizer of the Bashkir Opera Studio.
Study of documents connected with the activities of the Opera Studio is conducive for the understanding of the complex and contradictory cultural situation in Bashkiria during the period of intensive development of the musical and theatrical traditions of the republic.

Keywords: the musical culture of Bashkiria, the Bashkir Theater of Opera and Ballet, the Opera Studio, musical education, the Moscow Conservatory, Gaziz Almukhametov.

Article Details

How to Cite
Baymukhametova, G. A. (2018). The Bashkir Opera Studio affiliated with the Moscow Conservatory: Pages of History. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 48–55.
Area Studies in Music
Author Biography

Gulshat A. Baymukhametova, Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Post-graduate Student at the Music History Department


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