An Unrealized Scenario of American Musical Life at the Time of the Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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Antonina S. Maksimova


The “melting pot” of American music, in many ways regulated by the laws of commerce, was for the first time furnished with the state system of patronage during Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s reforms in the 1930s. This system differed fundamentally from the European variety. While examining articles published in the New York Times in 1933 the author observes the historical background of the Composers Protective Society, which brought together both highly celebrated American composers and their less recognized contemporaries. The article shows how the Society’s program, which was first outlined by Vladimir Dukelsky and Carlos Chávez turned out to be in line with Roosevelt’s New Deal. Comparison of the social position of Chavez in the musical life of Mexico with the positions of the American composers contemporary to him serves an example of the principal differences in the settings of musical powers in United States and Mexico. The author elucidates the Composers’ Manifesto published by the members of the Society in the context of the polemics between Harrison Kerr and Olin Downes, in which the two composers discussed the perspectives of composing music as a profession. The article touches upon the theme of standardization of the musical culture of the USA in the framework of the Federal Music Project (FMP) as a successor of the Music Appreciation Movement. Basing herself on the available sources, the author elucidates the subsequent attempts of nationalization of American music and hypothesizes upon the possible reasons of the rapid evanescence of the Composers Protective Society.

Keywords: Composers Protective Society, 20th century American music, Vladimir Dukelsky (Vernon Duke),
Roosevelt’s New Deal, Federal Music Project, Music Appreciation Movement, Olin Downes, Harrison Kerr.

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How to Cite
Maksimova, A. S. (2018). An Unrealized Scenario of American Musical Life at the Time of the Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 40–47.
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Antonina S. Maksimova, Petrozavodsk State A. K. Glazunov Conservatory

Ph.D. (Arts), Senior Faculty Member at the Department of Music History


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