The Rites and Songs of the Life Cycle in the Yenisey Area of the Krasnoyarsk Region (based on the Results of the Folk Music Expeditions of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts)

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Irina N. Shkredova
Maria M. Chikhachyova
Larisa D. Ekard


The area adjoining the Yenisey River in the Krasnoyarsk Region, in which the basis of the peasant population is comprised of the Pomors, has been among the earliest settled regions of Siberia. The rites of the life cycle of the traditional culture of Pomorye (birth, marriage and death) played a crucial role and were formed by rituals of transitional types. The article examines their place in the “primary” culture, as well as in light of the destruction of the folklore tradition in the 20th and early 21st centuries.

The rites of the life cycle of the Yenisey area are situated on the periphery of attention of researchers. An exception of this is provided by the musical material of traditional gatherings of youth recorded in the fullest manner. In the folk music of the Yenisey area the elements of rituals of the transitional period are anchored – both on the level of ritual acts and on the level of the functioning of genres of folk music. Thus, the character of exorcism and the prevalence of lullabies possessing a protective function bear witness to the child’s proximity to the “other world” and the amenability towards its influence. The presence of marital elements in the traditional gatherings of young people in the pre-war time indicates at their initiatory directedness. The peculiarities of the wedding rite make it possible to relay it to the type of “wedding-funeral,” which is also characteristic to the “root” culture of Pomorye. The authors demonstrate that the traditional weddings of the Yenisey area disappeared in the post-war era. The funeral rite of the studied area has preserved its significance as an arrangement of the successful transference of humans from “this” world to the “next” one, at that, the musical component of the ritual, demonstrated by the genre of lamentations, has also been preserved.

The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Government of Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk Region Science and Technology Support Fund to the research project №17-14-24601.

Keywords: folk music of Siberia, folklore-ethnography expeditions, evening gatherings, rite of transition, lullabies, wedding rites, lamentations.

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How to Cite
Shkredova, I. N., Chikhachyova, M. M., & Ekard, L. D. (2018). The Rites and Songs of the Life Cycle in the Yenisey Area of the Krasnoyarsk Region (based on the Results of the Folk Music Expeditions of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 104–111.
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biographies

Irina N. Shkredova, Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts

Senior Faculty Member at the Department of Music History

Maria M. Chikhachyova, Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts

Ph.D. (Arts), Associate Professor at the Music History Department

Larisa D. Ekard, Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts

Associate Professor at the Choral Conducting Department


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