Concerning the Study of the Processes of Transmission of the Byzantine Tradition of Church Singing in the Art of Russia and Korea

Main Article Content

Galina V. Alekseeva


The article presents a summary of the main conclusions of the author’s basic methodology of comparative research of Byzantine and Russian music and sheds light upon their new perspective, which helps examine approaches to study of dissemination of church singing in the Orthodox Christian tradition in Korea. The material for research of the Byzantine-Russian part is presented by numerous manuscript sources of church singing books and textbooks of church singing of Byzantium and Ancient Rus from the 11th to the 19th century (over 450 manuscripts). The process of adaptation was studied by the author diachronically in three aspects: the preservation of the homiletics of the texts, adaptational processes in the terminology of church singing texts, the metatext of the systems of the Byzantine Echos and the Russian Glas, which make it possible to reveal more lucidly the melodic artistry of the music. A comparative analysis of the hymn to Mary the Theotokos “Worldwide Glory” in the Byzantine, Russian and Korean Orthodox Christian tradition reflects the isomorphism of the texts, their homiletics, the musical structure and the melodic endings of the respective lines upon the transmission of the genetically original Byzantine tradition into other lands. The melodic peculiarity of the traditions is also present, but is in need of further research.

Keywords: the methodology of adaptational research, homiletics of texts, terminology of guidebooks of church singing.

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How to Cite
Alekseeva, G. V. (2018). Concerning the Study of the Processes of Transmission of the Byzantine Tradition of Church Singing in the Art of Russia and Korea. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 96–103.
Sacred Music
Author Biography

Galina V. Alekseeva, School of Arts and Humanities of the Far-Eastern Federal University

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Professor at the Department of Art


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