Rodion Shchedrin’s Concertos for Orchestra: Concerning the Problem of Interpretation of the Genre

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Evgeny N. Zavyalov


The article examines the peculiarities of the innovative rendition of the genre of the Concerto for Orchestra in the
musical legacy of Rodion Shchedrin. The composer creates his own version of the orchestral concerto, modified in
the course of such stylistic trends as neo-folklorism and post-modernism. The predominating features of Shchedrin’s
Concertos are in the putting into practice of Russian subject-matter and programmatic features, which in many
ways define the dramaturgical profile of the compositions and the principles of their compositional organization.
The composer’s genre sources for the concertos turn out to be the baroque concerto grosso, the romantic symphonic
poem and the symphonic pictures by Russian composers. The depictive-musical development in Shchedrin’s
concertos is realized on the basis of single-element and multielement dramaturgy. In the monodramaturgical
concertos (“The Chimes” and “Khorovods”) the freely interpreted principle of monothematicism in interaction with
variant-variational development leads to the emergence of resultant contrasts, in particular, to the genre-related
transformations of thematicism. The concertos with the single-element dramaturgy (“Mischievous Chastushkas,”
“Early Music of Russian Provincial Circuses,” and “Four Russian Songs”) are characterized by a reliance on a
quasi-suite means of organization of compositions, as well as by contrasting juxtapositions of non-conflicting

Keywords: Rodion Shchedrin, Concerto for Orchestra, instrumental concerto, neo-folklorism, Concerto Grosso,
monodramaturgy, monothematicism.

Article Details

How to Cite
Zavyalov, E. N. (2017). Rodion Shchedrin’s Concertos for Orchestra: Concerning the Problem of Interpretation of the Genre. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 175–182.
Musical Genre and Style
Author Biography

Evgeny N. Zavyalov, Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Post-graduate student at the Music Theory Department


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