The Synthetic Idea of Nikolai Roslavetz in the Form-Generation of his First Violin Concerto

Main Article Content

Natalia V. Devutskaya


The article is devoted to the specific features of form-generation in Nikolai Roslavetz’s Violin Concerto, examined
in the aspect of modernization of classical structures. The accent in the analysis is made on the study of the mechanism
of emancipation of the conventional algorithm of functions within the standard form, leading to a new quality of musical
synthesis. The originality of Roslavetz’s compositional thinking is disclosed by means of revealing the continuous
connection of typological constants with functional diffusion. Since the given process differs in a qualitative manner
from the so-called mixed forms, the article discloses a hypothesis about the composer’s search of a certain equivalent
of his technique of “synthetic chords,” applied on a more large-scale level of the composition. The conceptual basis of
this goal is presented by the dialectic pair of traditional vs. innovative, which became the “visiting card” of Roslavetz’s
style. An indicator of the traditional in the new sound continuum of the work is the reference to one of the most brilliant
themes of the classical musical heritage – the main theme of the finale of Brahms’ Violin Concerto.

Keywords: Nikolai Roslavetz, Johannes Brahms, synthetic chord, synthetic mode, musical cycle, violin concerto,
musical form, compositional technique.

Article Details

How to Cite
Devutskaya, N. V. (2017). The Synthetic Idea of Nikolai Roslavetz in the Form-Generation of his First Violin Concerto. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 50–58.
Music Theory
Author Biography

Natalia V. Devutskaya, Voronezh State Institute of Arts

Ph.D. (Arts), Associate Professor at the Music Theory Department, Voronezh State Institute of Arts (394053, Voronezh, Russia), ORCID: 0000-0002-7454-5981,


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