Pages of the Pre-Revolutionary History of the Moscow Conservatory: Honorary Stipends of Professors

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Elena M. Shabshaevich


The author of the article revives the forgotten pages of the history of the Moscow Conservatory of the prerevolutionary
period. One of the important factors of the educational-pedagogical process at that time was the awarding
of scholarships, which in those days served as financial aid partially or fully covering tuition costs. Scholarships
were granted to talented, albeit poor young people who thereby obtained the possibility to receive advanced musical
education. The role of the beneficiaries was played by organizations (the Moscow Section of the Imperial Russian
Musical Society and the Moscow State Duma), as well as by private individuals. Among these scholarships of special
interest are those that were named after the outstanding professors of the Moscow and St. Petersburg Conservatories:
Nikolai G. Rubinstein, Anton G. Rubinstein, Piotr I. Tchaikovsky, Vasily I. Safonov, Dmitri V. Razumovsky, Nikolai
I. Zaremba and Nikolai A. Gubert. Scholarships named after conservatory professors were received by such musicians
as Alexander A. Litvinov, pianists Elena F. Gnesina, Vladimir K. Miller, Maria S. Nemenova-Luntz, singer Sergei
A. Borisglebsky, as well as composer and pianist Sergei Rachmaninoff. Another great musician, Alexander Scriabin,
carried out his artistic tour abroad by means of the P.I. Tchaikovsky Scholarship.
The article provides extracts from archival documents which served as guidelines by which the rules for assigning
scholarships and the financial conditions for their provisions were activated. Previously unpublished materials from the
funds of the Russian State Archive of Literary and Art are included. The personal scholarships established in honor of
celebrated pedagogues of that educational institution in which the recipients were educated served as strong motivating
factors for them.

Keywords: Moscow Conservatory, honorary scholarships, Nikolai G. Rubinstein, Anton G. Rubinstein, Piotr I.
Tchaikovsky, Dmitri V. Razumovsky, Nikolai I. Zaremba, Nikolai A. Gubert, Vasily Safonov, Ivan Hřímalý, Sergei
Rachmaninoff, Alexander Scriabin.

Article Details

How to Cite
Shabshaevich, E. M. (2017). Pages of the Pre-Revolutionary History of the Moscow Conservatory: Honorary Stipends of Professors. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 153–159.
Russian Music History
Author Biography

Elena M. Shabshaevich, Moscow State A. G. Schnittke Musical Institute

Dr. Sci. (Arts), Associate Professor, Professor at the Philosophy, History, Theory of Culture and Art Department


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