The Symbolism of Auditory Space of the Musical Text (The Sixth Symphony of Avet Terteryan)

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Anna B. Tikhomirova


The expressive and form-generating functions of the sonoristic timbre-texture are disclosed in a set of aspects
among which an important position is taken by the semiotic function of the spatial organization of the musical text.
The auditory space in Avet Terteryan’s Sixth Symphony manifests itself in the guise of an important thematic and
compositional component. The spatial characteristics of the musical texture contain “codas” in it, which carry out the
symbolic connection between the music and its recipients.
The semiotic field of Terteryan’s symphony reflects a dialogue of cultures, generated by the composer’s aesthetic,
religious and philosophical position. In the system of the composer’s musical language the organization of the auditory
space demonstrates itself in the role of the lexis (thematic units) and grammar (the principle of the organization of
the musical chronotope). The function of the lexical units is carried out by 1) timbres-symbols perceived as “voices
in time” and 2) the artificially created image of the sounding space, which actualizes the image-related thematic
arches towards church acoustics, natural landscapes and the metaphysical dialogue of the “visible world” and the
“invisible world.” the auditory space of the Sixth Symphony reveals a number of the basic modes of the artist’s creative
consciousness and the culture that generated it.
The correlation of elements of the lexis of various types on the phonic, timbral-structural and semantic
levels forms a unique type of compositional logic. The acoustical musical chronotope of the symphony reflects
the Eastern Christian picture of the world, one of the most profound characteristics of which is the logocentric
foundation, which is disclosed in the symphony’s architectonics. The image of the Word forms the basis of
thematicism and conception of the musical form. The organization of the auditory space discloses the iconic
nature of the musical text.
As the result of the composer’s numerous utterances, helping us adjust for the perception of the composition, the
possibility of transferring to a supra-musical sphere of creative consciousness arises. On this level the symphonic genre
functions as an instrument of religious-philosophical cognition.

Keywords: Avet Terteryan, the symphonic genre, sonoristic timbre-texture, the semiotic function of the auditory

Article Details

How to Cite
Tikhomirova, A. B. (2017). The Symbolism of Auditory Space of the Musical Text (The Sixth Symphony of Avet Terteryan). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 135–141.
Artistic World of Musical Piece
Author Biography

Anna B. Tikhomirova, Urals State M. P. Mussorgsky Conservatory

Senior Faculty Member at the Department of Musical Sound Engineering,
Post-graduate student at the Organology Department of The Russian Institute of Art History


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