The Concept of the “National” in the “Chronicles of the Printed Editions of the Republic of Karelia” (1980–1993)

Main Article Content

Tatiana V. Kraskovskaya


The article presents the results of studying the periodical editions
about the musical life of Karelia in 1980-1993 on the basis
of the State Bibliographical Index “Chronicles of the Printed
Editions of the Republic of Karelia.” The research has been
carried out with the aid of methodology of cognitive linguistics
and includes the notion of the concept. In the periodicals of
1980–1987 the concept of the “national” was based on three
symbols of musical culture of Karelia: the ensemble for national
music “Kantele,” the Karelian-Finnish epos “Kalevala” and
the image of composer G. Sinisalo. Communication with the
recipient of the Karelian national musical culture was carried
out at that time in correspondence with the party ideological
terminology. During the years of the “perestroika” and the
subsequent social and political developments, the picture of
the world, as reflected in periodical press, changed. Issues are
raised of the future of national music of Karelia, education of a
new type of listener and perception of contemporary music. The
most important constituents of the concept of the “national”
are spirituality and national characteristics, demonstration of
interest towards the historical and cultural attributes of Karelia
and attention towards the history and culture of the ethnicities
residing on its territory.

Keywords: the concept of the “national,” periodical press,
music by composers of Karelia

Article Details

How to Cite
Kraskovskaya, T. V. (2014). The Concept of the “National” in the “Chronicles of the Printed Editions of the Republic of Karelia” (1980–1993). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 9–13. Retrieved from
Musical Cultures of Russia
Author Biography

Tatiana V. Kraskovskaya, Petrazavodsk State A.K. Glazunov Conservatory

Post-graduate student at the Music History Department


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