Interpretation in Music of Alexander Pushkin’s Poem "Gift that’s useless, gift fortuitous": To the Problem of the Typology of Text Comprehension

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Paulina S. Volkova


In the given article three musical versions of Alexander Pushkin’s poem "Gift that’s useless, gift fortuitous" are considered: "Pushkiniana" ("Pages of life" for the voice and the piano and the elocutionist) by M. Koval, the vocal cycle for the soprano and the piano "Pushkin’s lyric poetry" by B. Tchaikovsky, and "Isteriadas" for the voice and the piano by S. Berinsky. Using G. Bogin’s Typology of Comprehension, the author in each case determines the semantic type: either inclusion in the senses admitted in the society in the opus by M. Koval; or the cognitive type, fixed on culture in the cycle by B.Tchaikovsky, or the dissubjecting type actualizing the human subjectivity in the composition by S. Berinsky.

Keywords: musical Pushkiniana, Russian musical culture of the 20th century, hermeneutics, artistic text

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How to Cite
Volkova, P. S. (2007). Interpretation in Music of Alexander Pushkin’s Poem "Gift that’s useless, gift fortuitous": To the Problem of the Typology of Text Comprehension. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 1(1), 226–232. Retrieved from
Artistic World of Musical Piece
Author Biography

Paulina S. Volkova, Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts

Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Philology, Professor


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