An Attempt of Analysis and Semantic Interpretation of the Content of Serial Structures

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Natalia V. Devutskaya


The present article discusses the problems of interaction of the structural and the semantic levels of composition in the example of two compositions of Boulez and Webern. The works of these composes, responsible for the most radical changes in the domain of pitch organisation, is worth paying attention to, especially when considered in regards to musical content. Often, the investigation of the sound structures seems to become an end in itself. However, it is important to retain the semantic aspect in the research of the artworks works. First of all, semantic aspect manifests the most natural way of musical communication. Secondly, its role becomes operative through the capacity to integrate all facts and events of morphological and syntactical nature into a general meaning-producing system.

Keywords: Webern, Bouleze, semantic of serial compositions, pitch organization

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How to Cite
Devutskaya, N. V. (2007). An Attempt of Analysis and Semantic Interpretation of the Content of Serial Structures. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 1(1), 54–66. Retrieved from
Horizonts of Musicology
Author Biography

Natalia V. Devutskaya, Voronezh State Academy of Arts

Natalia V. Devutskaya is teacher of theory at Voronezh State Academy of Arts.  The topic of her dissertation is “Phenomenon of Serialism: the Sources and the Evolution (On the Examples from Music of Anton Webern and Pierre Boulez).”


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