Prayers for the Tsar and the Army in the Texts of the Ceremony of the “Grace Cup” of the Late 17th and Early 18th Centuries

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Vera N. Dyomina


The article examines the issues of formation of the panegyric genres of the art of Russian choral singing. The
object of the research is the ceremonial sequence of the “Grace cup.” The aim of the article is to reveal the singing
techniques of glorifying the image of the tsar in the musical-poetical texts of the ceremonial order. The goal of
the research is research of the history of the emergence of the ceremonial order, its structure and components. The
specified issues have previously been touched upon by historians, philologists and musicologists upon analysis of
the ceremonial order of the “Grace Cup” and one of its variants – “For a Cup for the Health of the Sovereign.” The
chants of the church ceremonial order are studied by the author based on manuscripts of church singers’ books,
which include the Ordinary, on linear notes of the late 17th century, including the cycle of chants “The Grace Cup is
still Present.” This presents the main material for research. The topicality of the work is determined by a new angle
of study of the chants of the ceremonial order. The author discloses the texts including prayer recitations for the tsar
and the army, defines the principles of interaction of the poetic and chant constituent parts. It is shown that in the
language of glorifying the ceremonial order “For a Cup for the Health of the Sovereign” the poetic and chanting
techniques, which emerged in the Christian doxology, are preserved. The glorifying in the texts of the ceremonial
order is carried out by means of traditional poetic and chanting techniques, among which the basic ones are the
spacious chants and “festive” glasy. The basic means of accentuation of significant words in the text is the usages
of the fity and litsa.
Thereby, in the poetical texts of the festive ceremonies of the time of Peter the Great not only the traditional
Christian, but also the state symbolism is accentuated.

Keywords: the art of Russian choral singing, Russian sacred music, prayer recitations for the tsar and the army,
church ceremonial chants, glasy, chants of the ceremony of the “Grace cup.”

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How to Cite
Dyomina, V. N. (2017). Prayers for the Tsar and the Army in the Texts of the Ceremony of the “Grace Cup” of the Late 17th and Early 18th Centuries. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 14–19.
Russian Music History
Author Biography

Vera N. Dyomina, Rostovskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. S. V. Rakhmaninova / Rostov State S. V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

PhD (Arts), Senior Faculty Member
at the Music History Department


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