"Borderline" Genres - Pro et Contra

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Ljudmila P. Kazantseva


Various kinds of transcription, such as transposition
and arrangement, are «borderline» genres.
They occupy intermediate position between composition
and interpretation. Transcriptions offer transformations
of the original score mainly in regards
to timbre. The validity of transcription depends to
a great extent on the realization (actualization) of
the timbral potential of intonatsia, which is often
clearly outlined by the composer. Whether a transcription
is to be regarded as successful is also
largely a question of adequacy semantic and genrestylistic
properties of intonatsia. It also affects
other components of the musical content. The compositional
and interpretive effort should only yield
such changes of artistic contents which are more
or less natural for the author's opus.

Keywords: musical content, semantics, composer interpretation, transcription

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How to Cite
Kazantseva, L. P. (2008). "Borderline" Genres - Pro et Contra. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 2(1), 26–31. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/759
Musical Text and its Performer
Author Biography

Ljudmila P. Kazantseva, Astrakhan State Conservatory (Academy)

Doctor of Arts, a Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Music


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