On the Emergence of the Art of Jazz in Kiev

Main Article Content

Elena A. Koverza


The author provides a characterization of the process of the
formation of the jazz infrastructure of Kiev in the inal decades
of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, activated
as the result of the insistence of enthusiasts with the support of
devotees. The Kiev Musical College, in which a Department
of Popular Music was opened in 1980, became the center
of development of Ukrainian jazz culture. An immense amount
of work is being carried out under the direction of the “President
of Ukrainian Jazz,” V. Simonenko, who was able to attract talented
musicians and release methodical materials. The subsequent stage
was formed by the activities of the Departments of Wind and
Percussion Instruments lead by V. Pashinsky at the Kiev National
University of Culture and the Arts (1986). The most prominent
musical department for jazz turned out to be the Department of
Performing Arts at the Kiev Reinhold Gliere Highest Music
College, established in 2002. The goal of mastering jazz was
taken up by institutions of elementary musical education, namely,
Children’s School for the Arts N.2 of Kiev (1991), due to the work
of R. Pashinsky. I Zhuromsky organized the Department of Popular
Music and Jazz in 1996. Presently in Kiev there exist numerous
jazz ensembles, and festivals and competitions are organized on
a regular basis. The emergence in Ukraine of a new generation of
jazz musicians, who are erudite, capable for creative exploration,
and also brought up in the context of Ukrainian and overall Slavic
melodicism, will make it possible for jazz to become popular and
on demand.

Keywords: Ukrainian jazz, jazz festival, jazz competitions,
jazz education in Kiev

Article Details

How to Cite
Koverza, E. A. (2014). On the Emergence of the Art of Jazz in Kiev. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 45–56. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/74
International Division
Author Biography

Elena A. Koverza, Kiev National University of Culture and the Arts

student at the Department
of Theory and History of the Arts


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