The Role of Rhetoric and Homiletic in the Formation of Metatext of the Protestant Chorale

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Galina N. Dombrauskene


The period of German Reformation had ushered in the historic
change in Europe. It was marked, among many things, by
the introduction of the new religious genre of chorale as the
form of the folk song that represents the nation. Melodies of
these hymns had universal aesthetic appeal. Many composers
wrote music with these melodies as significant components, such
as cantatas, oratorios, symphonies, operas etc. Hymns have
appeared in other countries as well. Many knew the melodies
of songs by heart and recited their lyrics by memory, which
explains their quick dissemination all over the Europe. In the
centuries that followed, melodies of the first lines of chorales
often formed musical emblems. All these elements had contributed
into formation of the metatext of the Protestant chorale.

Keywords: the history of music, reformation, musical rhetoric, Protestant chorale, hymn

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How to Cite
Dombrauskene, G. N. (2008). The Role of Rhetoric and Homiletic in the Formation of Metatext of the Protestant Chorale. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 166–170. Retrieved from
History of Western Music
Author Biography

Galina N. Dombrauskene, Maritime State University named after Admiral G. I. Nevelskoy, Vladivostok

Docent of the Department of History of Arts and Culture


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