Mussorgsky as a Child Psychologist

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Iza A. Nemirovskaya


Mussorgsky's reference to the world of childhood spawned
a number of novel artistic solutions in the areas of imaging
modi, genre system, principles of composition, and musical
poetics. The master captured the microcosm of passions, inherent
in the child's psyche, and expressed in his compositions
the profound ontological nature of any human personality, with
good and evil intertwined within it. In his music about children,
the composer also revealed some fundamental laws of
psychology: for example, on the background of child's not so
innocent «pranks» may lurk numerous repulsive features of
the future character, while the strongly pronounced aggressive
characteristics of an adult frequently originate from unjust
treatment, suffered in the childhood. All this allows us to
speak of Mussorgsky as a child psychologist composer.

Keywords: Russian music, vocal music, the world of the childhood in music

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How to Cite
Nemirovskaya, I. A. (2008). Mussorgsky as a Child Psychologist. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 3(2), 102–110. Retrieved from
Artistic World of Musical Piece
Author Biography

Iza A. Nemirovskaya, State Institute for Art Studies

Scientific Assistant at the State Institute for Art Studies.

Candidate of Arts, a Professor of
Moscow State Institute of Music named after A. Schnittke.


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