An Essay on a Pianist’s Memory and Emotions

Main Article Content

Natalia S. Gavrilova


The article is devoted to the questions of development of piano
performance with the incorporation of the achievements of
psychology. To carry out his research of emotional memory (the
memory of feelings), its connection to human sensations and the
emotional reaction to them, the author turns to works by famous
scholars of the past and present. Examination of various types
of memory, including the relexive kinds, made it possible to
sketch an integral picture of their conceptual interaction with
sensations, emotions and imagination, as well as their impact
on the professional activities of a pianist. The indissolubility
and interpenetration of human memory and emotions are not
very noticeable outwardly, but at the same time they are highly
important for performing musicians. For this reason, a pianist
who is in control of the emotional processes accompanying his
or her professional activities will be able to achieve great success.

Keywords: piano technique, memory of performing
musician, ideomotorics,
emotions, imagination

Article Details

How to Cite
Gavrilova, N. S. (2014). An Essay on a Pianist’s Memory and Emotions. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 98–102. Retrieved from
Musical Text and its Performer
Author Biography

Natalia S. Gavrilova, Maimonides State Classical Academy

Associate Professor at the Department of World Musical
Culture of the Maimonides State Classical Academy,
Performer at the Moscow State Philharmonic Society


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