Intonational Dictionaries as the Problem of Musical Scholarship

Main Article Content

Galina R. Tarayeva


The article considers the possibility of compiling «dictionaries» of
musical semantics. The main difficulty of this methodology is seen by
the author as the problem of delimitation of semantic unit of musical
language, in conflation of the terms «significance» and «meaning.» Also,
the problem arises when one neglects hearing of a musician, of his or her
mechanism of operational memory. Forming of the aural storage of
meanings is presented in this article as the process of transfer of the
algorithms of figures of musical meaning into long term memory. The
motif as the meaning-forming unit is considered in the article in
connection with the Baroque and Classical culture of articulation of the
instrumental text in agreement with the logic of segmentation of vocal
music in each language.

Keywords: intonational dictionary, musical semantics, semantic unit,
musical meaning, musical significance.

Article Details

How to Cite
Tarayeva, G. R. (2009). Intonational Dictionaries as the Problem of Musical Scholarship. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 5(2), 169–174. Retrieved from
Poetics and Semantics of the Musical Text
Author Biography

Galina R. Tarayeva, Rostov State Conservatory (Academy) named after S. V. Rachmaninov

Candidate of Arts, Professor of the Chair of the Department of Innovative Pedagogy


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