Vladimir Spivakov — the First Performer-Interpreter of the Works of Hartmann and Schnittke

Main Article Content

Valentina N. Kholopova


The article considers two premieres which took place in Moscow:
the first performance by the prominent virtuoso violinist Vladimir
Spivakov the «Mourning Concerto» by Carl Amadeus Hartmann and
«Five Fragments after the Paintings of Hieronymus Bosch.» The author
offers the information on history of writing these works and provides their
description. The article reveals the concept, dramaturgy and specificity
of interpretation of these works by Vladimir Spivakov.

Keywords: interpretation, concept, dramaturgy, Carl Hartmann,
Alfred Schnittke, Vladimir Spivakov as violinist and conductor

Article Details

How to Cite
Kholopova, V. N. (2009). Vladimir Spivakov — the First Performer-Interpreter of the Works of Hartmann and Schnittke. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 5(2), 164–168. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/664
Musical Text and its Performer
Author Biography

Valentina N. Kholopova, Moscow State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory

Doctor of Arts, Professor, Chair of the
Department of Interdisciplinary Specializations of Musicologists


1. Gurkov A. Solo v Zale Gerkulesa… // Sov. kul'tura. — 1981. — 25 dekabrya.
2. Shnitke A. Na puti k voploshcheniyu novoy idei // Problemy traditsiy i novatorstva v sovremennoy muzyke. — M., 1982.