References to Childhood in the Images of Girls and Women in Music of P. I. Tchaikovsky

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Iza A. Nemirovskaya


The article examines the organic intertwining of childhood and adulthood elements in the feminine images by Tchaikovsky. Fulfilled at various levels, such as levels of genre system, compositional structure, and musical vocabulary, this intertwining allows us to discover new facets of the content not only in Tchaikovsky’s works, but also in the essence of the aesthetic category of the ideal as understood by the composer, shedding light on certain ideologic and aesthetic views of the master.

Keywords: Childhood theme, feminine images, Tchaikovsky, Russian music of the 19th century

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How to Cite
Nemirovskaya, I. A. (2010). References to Childhood in the Images of Girls and Women in Music of P. I. Tchaikovsky. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 6(1), 172–177. Retrieved from
Artistic World of Musical Piece
Author Biography

Iza A. Nemirovskaya, State Institute of Arts Studies, Moscow

Candidate of Arts, a Senior Researcher at the State Institute of Arts Studies, Professor at the Schnittke Moscow State Institute of Music


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