The History of Culture in the Letters of Claude Debussy

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Ljubov A. Kupets


This article provides a holistic model for understanding of Claude Debussy’s views on the historical-cultural process. The specific principles and perspectives of this model are revealed particularly in the field of musical art. The study focuses on two elements: Debussy’s understanding and interpretation of the East and his ideas of Antiquity. As the basic source of analysis the author uses an extensive epistolary heritage of the composer.

Keywords: History of Culture, Antiquity, East, Epistolary heritage of Claude Debussy

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How to Cite
Kupets, L. A. (2010). The History of Culture in the Letters of Claude Debussy. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 6(1), 132–136. Retrieved from
History of Western Music
Author Biography

Ljubov A. Kupets, Petrozavodsk State Conservatory named after A. K. Glazunov

Candidate of Arts, Professor