Anagram as Structural Meadning-Bearing Element of the Musical Text (on the Examples from Music of Faradzh Karayev)

Main Article Content

Marianna S. Vysotskaya


This article examines musical anagram as a kind of methodology of intertextuality. The author relies on poststructuralist
research and illustrates the effect of this methodology on the
example from Faradzh Karaev’s compositions.

Keywords: anagram, paragram, intertextuality, structure of composition

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How to Cite
Vysotskaya, M. S. (2010). Anagram as Structural Meadning-Bearing Element of the Musical Text (on the Examples from Music of Faradzh Karayev). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 204–209. Retrieved from
Poetics and Semantics of the Musical Text
Author Biography

Marianna S. Vysotskaya, Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory

Candidate of Arts, Assistant Professor at the Department of Contemporary Music


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