On the Link of Times in the Choral Concerto of Alfred Schnittke

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Alexandra G. Trukhanova


The author examines the development of sacred themes in the musical culture of Russia in the late-20th century. Concerto for Choir by Alfred Schnittke (1985) is an absolutely unique piece, created by using texts from the Book of Lamentations of the medieval poet St. Gregory of Narek, where the theme of repentance receives bold representation. Roots of Christian philosophy reveal themselves through the content and composition solutions of the Concerto . The article characterizes the musical language of the Concerto as a synthesis of various styles and origins: from the ancient Russian tradition of singing to the modern techniques of writing.

Keywords: Russia music, choral concerto, Alfred Schnittke

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How to Cite
Trukhanova, A. G. (2010). On the Link of Times in the Choral Concerto of Alfred Schnittke. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 167–170. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/578
Musical Style and Genre
Author Biography

Alexandra G. Trukhanova, Saratov State Conservatory (Academy) named after L. V. Sobinov

Candidate of Arts, Docent at the Department of Choral Conducting


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