The Evolution of the Ready-Sample Accordion and the Potential of its Realization in the Russian System of Professional Musical Education

Main Article Content

Liudmila A. Bazhilina


The article is devoted to examining the history of the appearance
of the contemporary ready-sample accordion and its formation in
the Russian system of professional musical education. The author
traces the constructive evolution, the role of the instrument in
professional education, determines the reasons for the violation
of the principle of continuity in the education of accordionists.
Questions of the perspectives of development of methodological
thought in pedagogy of accordion are touched upon. In addition
to the model of the ready-sample accordion, new constructive
developments in Russia and in other countries, as well as the
possibility of their application in the art of performance are
examined. The expediency of use of electronic instruments in
instruction of young musicians and the necessity of creating
new tutorial programs within the system of the pre-professional
preparation of accordionists are substantiated. This will
enhance the upbringing of a musician possessing a complex of
indispensable, relevant, professional knowledge and skill.

Keywords: musical education, multi-timbre ready-sample
accordion, sample keyboard, pre-professional musical education

Article Details

How to Cite
Bazhilina, L. A. (2015). The Evolution of the Ready-Sample Accordion and the Potential of its Realization in the Russian System of Professional Musical Education. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 132–136.
Musical Performance and Pedagogy
Author Biography

Liudmila A. Bazhilina, Tambov S. V. Rachmaninoff Musical-Pedagogical Institute

Post-graduate student at the Department
of Musical Pedagogy and Artistic Education,
Faculty member at the Department for Folk Instruments


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