Conceptual Integration and the Idea of Pedalization

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Sergey Ya. Vartanov


The article is devoted to the research of mechanisms of integration of performing concepts into piano interpretation. The concept is worked out as a result of combining of five ontological forms of text: Author’s Notation Text, Metatext of World Culture, Plastic Text of Interpretation, Mental Text of Interpretation, and Acoustic text of Interpretation. The author of the article uses as example the slow movement of Schubert’s Sonata in B fl at major, opus posthumous, D. 960, Andante sostenuto. The central role in the subject plays the pedalization idea which unifies the stylistic, genre and semantic context of composition.

Keywords: conceptual integration, pedalization idea, text of Piano Interpretation

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How to Cite
Vartanov, S. Y. (2011). Conceptual Integration and the Idea of Pedalization. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 231–237. Retrieved from
Musical Text and its Performer