Rodion Shchedrin: to the Question of a Musical Language

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Olga V. Sinelnikova


The article is concerned with the oeuvre of Rodion Shchedrin, one of the most recognized and outstanding modern Russian composers. The article reveals musical-languisitic models of Schedrin’s works. Among them – melodic intonations related to Russian folk-song sources and Orthodox church music; individual musical lexemes; the musical material entered by means of various aspects of polystylistics in the form of musical-textual quotations, quasi-quotations, hints, genre-stylistic «inserts», «variations on a style»; symbols and monograms.

Keywords: Rodion Shchedrin, the modern composer, musical genre and style, musical language, intonational models

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How to Cite
Sinelnikova, O. V. (2011). Rodion Shchedrin: to the Question of a Musical Language. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 145–150. Retrieved from
Musical Art of the 20th Century


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