The History of Soul (About the Sixth Quartet by Wilhelm Stenhammar)

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Anastasia A. Shikherina


The article is devoted to the Sixth string quartet, the last chamber work by the prominent Swedish composer Wilhelm Stenhammar, which is little known in Russia. The Quartet is considered as the sign of upcoming crisis. Composer’s use of different styles: romanticism, baroque, symbolism, as well as the addition of musical symbols, allegories (e.g., The Dance of Death), suggests multi-layered interpretation. The author makes figurative and compositional parallels with the works of composer’s contemporary, famous Swedish playwright August Strindberg (in particular, the author mentions his drama The Dance of Death and autobiographical novel Alone).

Keywords: Swedish music, quartet, Stenhammar, Strindberg

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How to Cite
Shikherina, A. A. (2011). The History of Soul (About the Sixth Quartet by Wilhelm Stenhammar). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 119–123. Retrieved from
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