Classics and Modern: «Ironic Dismantling»: on the Example of Piano Cycle «Jeux» by D. Kurtag

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Natalia P. Khilko


In this article, the author studies Hommage a …to the composers of the 19th century from Kurtag’s piano cycle Jeux, as well as separate variations Picasso and Dali on the themes of paintings of Velasquez and Matisse. These are analyzes from the aspect of ironic dismantling. The deconstruction of classical material results in creation of a cartoon, a palimpsest, and an associative remark, in which the primary text opens new semantic and structural sides.

Keywords: Kurtag, Picasso, Dali, Ironic dismantling, interpretation, game dialogue, cartoon, palimpsest

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How to Cite
Khilko, N. P. (2011). Classics and Modern: «Ironic Dismantling»: on the Example of Piano Cycle «Jeux» by D. Kurtag. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 113–118. Retrieved from
Artistic World of Musical Piece


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