Genre Content and Style of Chants of the Mass after the Second Vatican Council

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Yulia L. Fidenko


The article surveys some special genre features of the canticles in today’s Mass. The author clarifies the specificities of certain components within the Catholic service in the context of the Second Vatican Council’s reforms. The canticles of the Mass are differentiated depending on their liturgical function, test source and a level of the congregation involvement. The author resolves that the congregation involvement into the church service has both caused extension of the song repertoire and modified the liturgical function of certain canticles.

Keywords: liturgical music, musical genre, the Mass, the Second Vatican Council

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How to Cite
Fidenko, Y. L. (2012). Genre Content and Style of Chants of the Mass after the Second Vatican Council. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 241–244. Retrieved from
Musical Genre and Style


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