Orchestral Stylistic of Baroque in the Music of the 20th Century: On the Example of Concerto grosso

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Irina M. Shabunova


The article views the tutti–soli juxtaposition as the leading orchestration principle of the Baroque time, which has been getting reborn in the 20th-century genre of concerto grosso. Some features of the dramaturgic and compositional functions of this principle determined by an impact of both the symphony and the instrumental theater have been characterized in the works by Juzeliūnas, Schnittke, Yekimovsky, Taranov and other composers. Certain creative projects fixing various phases of approximation to authentic samples have been marked in some performers’ interpretations of the Baroque music.

Keywords: orchestration, genre stylistics, artistic reconstruction, concerto grosso

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How to Cite
Shabunova, I. M. (2012). Orchestral Stylistic of Baroque in the Music of the 20th Century: On the Example of Concerto grosso. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 226–230. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/435
Musical Genre and Style


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