The Essence of Musicality in Interpretations by Masters of Romanticism (an Ontological Aspect)

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Zinaida V. Fomina


The article develops an ontological approach to the understanding of music which is considered an expression of the fundamental existential grounds. Attempts by romanticists to discover some transcendental “horizons of the unknown and supreme world” in spontaneous movements of an artist’s soul, as well as an “anticipation of otherworldly life” and an understanding of creative work as a “newly created world,” have been interpreted as ontological insights that later received their theoretical grounding in both existential and phenomenological models.

Keywords: ontology of music, romanticism, poetic attitude, the finding of musical senses in nature

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How to Cite
Fomina, Z. V. (2012). The Essence of Musicality in Interpretations by Masters of Romanticism (an Ontological Aspect). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 28–31. Retrieved from
Music in the System of Culture


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