Responsories on Holy Week

Main Article Content

Svetlana A. Kozlykina


The main part of the article consists of a bilingual text of twentyseven
texts of the Catholic church service, the responsories on
Holy Week. Along with the Latin text, there is a translation into
Russian made by the author of the publication, S.A. Kozlykina.
The author bases herself on the following edition: Zelenka J. D.
Responsorien für die Karwoche ZWV 55 (1723) (Stuttgart, 1995).
The introduction presents a short summary of the history of the
responsories as a genre of Catholic sacred music, and makes a list
of the names of the composers who wrote these polyphonic cycles.
Their irst musical specimens pertain to the 16th century, and one
of the last ones – to the 20th century (“Seven Responsories” by
Francis Poulenc). The possible ways of existence for the genre
in contemporary conditions are marked out, when it departed
from church service practice, in both the liturgical and the nonliturgical
context. The irst is its introduction into the Liturgy of
Holy Friday as relections on the reading of the Gospel narrating
about the Passions of our Lord. The second is the performance
during the ofice, once again as a response to the corresponding
readings. The third is performance in church concerts. It is also
to combine it with lamentations (from the Book of Lamentations
of the Prophet Jeremiah), a genre that is closely connected with

Keywords: sacred music, music in Catholic church service,
responsories, lamentations

Article Details

How to Cite
Kozlykina, S. A. (2015). Responsories on Holy Week. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 45–53.
Sacred Music
Author Biography

Svetlana A. Kozlykina, Rostov State S. V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Candidate of Arts,
Acting Associate Professor at the Music Theory and
Composition Department


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