The Wedding Music of Miners from the Central Ural Mountains: The Structural Aspect

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Tatiana I. Kaluzhnikova


The article examines music as one of the symbolic languages (codes) of the traditional wedding ceremonies of the central Ural mining regions. The work is based on music collected from expeditions by folklore specialists from the Ural State in the 1970s–1990s. The study of the musical code of the wedding ceremony in its structural aspect is directed at describing the morphology of the musical and poetic texts (their rhythmic and melodic patterns, modal-scalar organization, texture and structural types). The range of problems touched upon in the article and the approaches to their study pertain to the areal direction of ethnomusicology.

Keywords: wedding ceremony, wedding calls, wedding songs, morphology of the musical and poetical texts, syntagmatics of the musical code of the wedding ritual

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How to Cite
Kaluzhnikova, T. I. (2012). The Wedding Music of Miners from the Central Ural Mountains: The Structural Aspect. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 11(2), 112–117. Retrieved from
Musical Performance and Pedagogy
Author Biography

Tatiana I. Kaluzhnikova, Ural State Conservatory M. P. Mussorgsky

Doctor of Arts and is a professor at the Music History Department


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